The Effects of Implementing the Clinical Nursing Guidelines for the Assessment of Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Emergency Department, Vachira Phuket Hospital
mild traumatic brain injury, nursing clinical practice guidelines, assessmentAbstract
The majority of mild traumatic brain Injury patients had been treated in the emergency department and usually be discharged, even though it was innocuous symptom but the complicacy such as : intracerebral hemorrhage might happen later. A definitely evaluation to cover other risk complications could help to increase patient’s safety. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the clinical practice guidelines for assessment of the patients with mild traumatic brain injury with strategy “clever model” in the emergency department. And to compare revisited within seventy-two hours before and after the clinical practice guidelines had been used in the case of brain injury from any cause, age >15 years, GCS > 13 years and without the other systematic organ injury. Data were collected between March - October 2017, analyzed by descriptive statistics and comparison revisited by Chi-square test.
The study found that control group, 157 cases average age was 38.75 years (SD=19.05) and experimental group, 167 cases average age was 37.10 years (SD=18.26). The experimental group had received the cover risk assessment and proper CT brain more than the control group but there was no difference in the statistical significant. For home care instruction document and the patient signed in the treatment record found that experimental group higher than control group significantly ( 2=11.928, P=.001;
2=68.34, P=.000 respectively). Revisited within seventy-two hours after discharged the experimental group less than the control group but there was no difference in the statistical significant. (
2=.021, p=.884)
The study showed that the effectiveness of the clinical practice guidelines for the assessment of patients with mild traumatic brain injury assisted the nurses to increase their practical care and the patients were evaluated higher risk assessment.
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