Factors Associated with Virological Failure in Children Receiving First-line Regimens Antiretroviral Therapy in Chaiyaphum Hospital


  • ปรางทิพย์ คงสตรี suratthani hospital


Virological failure, HIV-infected children


           This retrospective analytical research wasto determine the rate of and factors associated with virological failure in HIV-infected children who receiving first-line regimens of antiretroviral therapy in Chaiyaphum hospital. Data was conducted from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2014. The inclusion criteria of sample were children who were < 18 years and receiving first-line regimens ART. Virological failure was defined as plasma HIV RNA > 1,000 copies/ml which previously found plasma HIV RNA < 50 copies/ml. There were 110 HIV-infected children, 24(21.8%) had virological failure. Risk factor associated virological failure was the percentage of CD4≤15 before treatment begins. (OR 4.358, 95%CI 1.21-15.76,pvalue 0.017)


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How to Cite

คงสตรี ป. (2016). Factors Associated with Virological Failure in Children Receiving First-line Regimens Antiretroviral Therapy in Chaiyaphum Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(1), 15–21. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/177461



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