The Effect of Utilizing Work Instruction for Incontinence Associated Dermatitis in High Risk Patient


  • พัฒนา พึ่งศิริ suratthani hospital


Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD), Perineal Assessment Tool (PAT),, incontinence associated dermatitis severity (IADS)


             This study was randomized controlled trial. The purpose was to compare skin protection efficiency among zinc powder, petroleum gel and mixing formula of both. A sample of 94 in-patient cases was drawn from July 2015 to February 2016 at Somdejprachaotaksinmaharaj hospital Tak province and had risk scores to IAD equal to 4 or more.Simple random sampling method was used by respectively coding into each group. The data was collected from Perineal Assessment Tool
and analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-Square, and Kruskol Wallis test. The study indicated that the skin protection efficiency of all groups when continuously used for 7 days, were statistically significance
atp-value <.01 Median(Q1, Q3), of the mixing formula of both powder with zinc and petroleum gel was consecutively decrease. It was found that the patient group with zero level of IAD severity in the first day had the least occurrence of skin dermatitis among all type at 10%.This result can be obviously developed the utilizing work instruction for incontinence-associated dermatitis to prevent and reduce
the distribution of affected skin in IAD.


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How to Cite

พึ่งศิริ พ. (2016). The Effect of Utilizing Work Instruction for Incontinence Associated Dermatitis in High Risk Patient. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(1), 59–67. Retrieved from



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