Developing the rehabilitation process of stroke patients in Saratthani


  • ณัฐนันท์ อุสายพันธ์
  • โสภิดา สัณฐมิตร
  • นิภา เทพสิมานนท์


Stroke patients, Consistency of rehabilitation process, Frequency of rehabilitation process


           Background and Objective : Whether home health care online program is relevant in making the physical ability rehabilitation consistent in Stroke patients is still very much contested. As of now, no
study has been conducted on this issue. Aim of this study to look into the home health care online program and its relevance with the consistency of the patients receiving treatment in Stroke patients of
Suratthani Hospital.Methods : 105 moderate to severe Stroke patientshave been treated at Suratthani Hospital will meet with the physiotherapist for at least 1 session of assessing the severity of Stroke patients. The process found that, between July and November 2015.Results : The study found that in 105 Stroke patients, 53 of them are men and 52 are female with most of them in their years old.
Priorto the dismissal, 59% of the severe Stroke patients. The consistency of receiving rehabilitation treatment most occurs during the first 1-3 months after dismissal (53%), the patients with no feedback
is amount to 23.8%. The frequency of receiving rehabilitating treatment determined on basis of severity of the patients with Stroke, is found to be 72.1% (of all Stroke patients)for 1-2 session/week in patients with average Stroke and 66.7% (of all Stroke patients) for 1-2 session/month in patients with severe Stroke.Conclusion : Our findings demonstrate that the consistency in rehabilitating physical ability by appropriate duration of follow-up of home health care online program is effective in improving the patient’s quality of living.


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How to Cite

อุสายพันธ์ ณ., สัณฐมิตร โ., & เทพสิมานนท์ น. (2017). Developing the rehabilitation process of stroke patients in Saratthani. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(1), 85–93. retrieved from



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