Suicidal Behaviors of Patients in Psychiatric Clinic in Hatyai Hospital


  • ธัญชนก บุญรัตน์ suratthani hospital


suicidal behavior, suicidal attempt


             The purpose of this retrospective descriptive study was decided to study suicidal behavior and the relationship between suicidal behavior and other related factors. The suicidal attempters in
psychiatric clinic from October 2011 to September 2014 was conducted from out-patient department records and psychiatric clinic records. Demographic and clinical data were analyzed by descriptive
statistics. Relationship between other factors with suicide attempts and risk factors for repeated suicide attempts were analyzed by using the chi-square test and univariate logistic regression.There were 286 suicidal attempters during the study period.Most were female and aged between 19-30 yearsold , married and were employed. Most of them were first attempters and usually caused by interpersonal problem with their close relatives. Drug overdose was the number one common method. A majority of suicidal attempters were received diagnosis of adjustment disorder. Patients with mood disorders
were likely to repeat suicide attempt more than other groups with a statistically significant (p=0.01).
Drug overdose was the most common method for suicidal attempter from interpersonal problem with their close relatives. Those who had been diagnosed as mood disorders are at high risk of repeated suicide. Appropriate treatment and planning should be further studied for preventing repeated suicidal attempt. 


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How to Cite

บุญรัตน์ ธ. (2016). Suicidal Behaviors of Patients in Psychiatric Clinic in Hatyai Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(1), 101–109. Retrieved from



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