Prevalence and Associated Factor of Depression among the Elderlyin Kantharalak Municipality, Sisaket Province


  • บัณฑูร ลวรัตนากร suratthani hospital


depression, prevalence, elderly


               The purposes of this cross sectional descriptive study were to survey prevalence and associated factor of depression among the elderly living in Kantharalak Municipality, Sisaket Province.
The sample population were 806 cases above 60 years of age in Kantharalak Municipality.The research instruments are Self-rated questionnaire consisted of general basic information and associated
factor of depression. Depression assessed by Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Thai version. Data were collected during 1-30 September 2015. The general basic information was analyzed by descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean and percentage,the chi-square test for inferential statistics to analyzed associated factors to depressionThe result of this study found that the incidence of depression
elderly was 10.7 percent. There were more female with depression than male with depression,11.8 and 9.0 percent respectively, The factors associated with depression in elderly. There are statistically
significant at the 0.05 level ,including education, occupation,income adequacy,to make marit at temple, offering atlms to monks,The problem of income,family problems, and environmemtal factors that lead to depression in elderly. The finding of this study can be used for planning and as a guideline for solving mental problems among elderly appropriately. Furthermore, they can be implemented
in developing mental health service for Thai elderly in Kantharalak Municipality in future.


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How to Cite

ลวรัตนากร บ. (2016). Prevalence and Associated Factor of Depression among the Elderlyin Kantharalak Municipality, Sisaket Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(2), 13–23. Retrieved from



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