A Comparison between Service Quality of Private Hospital and Service Quality of Government Hospital in Muang SuratThani District, SuratThani Province


  • ปรารถนา แซ่ลิ้ม Suratthani Hospital


Service quality, SERVQUAL


              The purpose of this research is to evaluate the service quality of private hospital and government hospital in MuangSuratThani District,
Surat Thani Province. Specific objectives are: 1) To examine the patients’ expectation for service quality. 2) To evaluate the service quality as perceived
by patients. 3) To compare between the expected service quality of private hospital patients and the expected service quality of government hospital
patients. 4) To compare between the perceived service quality of private hospital patients and the perceived service quality of government hospital patients
              The research data have been taken from the questionnaire applied by 400 patients of 2 private hospitals and 1 government hospital in Muang-
Suratthani District, SurarathaniProvince.The data were subject to various statistical analyses including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation,
ANOVA, and Scheffe method of multiple comparisons. A default alpha of 0.05 was used to determine the level of significance.
              Majority of the respondents were males, were 31-40 age group, had education background in secondary school level, were married, got
monthly income of between Baht 10,001 and Baht 20,000, and were government officials. The result reported that: The mean scores for private
hospital patients’ expectations were at high level, and the mean scores for patients’ perceptions were also at high level, but the perception mean scores
were statisticallyhigher than the expectation mean scores. Whilst the mean scores for government hospital patients’ expectations were at average level, and the mean scores for patients’ perceptions were also at average level, both mean scores showed no statistically different. A comparison between private hospital patients’ expectation and government hospital patients’ expectation showed statistically different. Similarly private hospital patients’ perception and government hospital patients’ perception were statistically different.


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How to Cite

แซ่ลิ้ม ป. (2016). A Comparison between Service Quality of Private Hospital and Service Quality of Government Hospital in Muang SuratThani District, SuratThani Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(2), 47–57. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/178584



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