The Development of the allocation quotas for Training Nurse Anesthetists fairly distribution


  • ลักษมี ทองโกมล Suratthani Hospital


Training Nurse Anesthetists


              This study was aimed to develop model for reasonable allocating nurses for a one-year nurse anesthetist training program provided by Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health. Data were collected by using a survey assessing how the hospitals in each health region, under the auspice of Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health, allocated their quota for nurses to be trained as nurse anesthetist in the budgetary year of 2014. The study revealed the following results.
              1) In the budgetary year of 2014, the Office of Permanent Secretary considered a formula is shown as below.
                     1.1 A manpower plan for nurse anesthetists = (the number of major operations /260X3)X2)
                     1.2 Quota allocation for the nurses to be train as nurse anesthetists is calculated from the expected number of nurse anesthetists – the number of actual working nurse anesthetists + the number of nurse anesthetists older than 55 years = deficit number/surplus number
              2) In the development model for allocating nurses into a one-year nurse anesthetist training program provided by Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health in the budgetary year 2015, a need for nurse anesthetists, a distribution of nurse anesthetists in each health region, a criteria set by nursing council, as indicated above, were considered. Therefore, the allocated quota for the training was calculated as following formulas.
                     2.1 Expected nurse anesthetist manpower
                     Formula 1: Expected nurse anesthetist manpower = (major operations/365X2) X 2
                     Formula 2: Expected nurse anesthetist manpower = the number actual operation rooms X 2
              A comparison between Formula 1 and Formula 2 was made. The lesser number of each hospital was used in order to find out the deficit number compared with a nurse anesthetist manpower plan for each health region.
                     2.2 Quota allocation for nurses to be trained as anesthetists was calculated as following formula.
             The number of deficit was equal to the expected number of nurse anesthetist manpower – (the number of actual working nurse anesthetists + the number of expected nurse anesthetist graduates) + the number of anesthetists older than 55 years = deficit number/surplus number.
              3) Regarding to the model evaluation, It was found that the responsible persons were satisfied with the model in that the quota of nurses to be trained for the nurse anesthetist manpower should be based on active OR. The degree of being appropriate model was in a good level.
              That the policy for allocating a quota to nurses to be trained as nurse anesthetists should be appropriate for a need of health region. The number of anesthesia services and the number of actual working nurse anesthetists.


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How to Cite

ทองโกมล ล. (2016). The Development of the allocation quotas for Training Nurse Anesthetists fairly distribution. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(3), 217–224. retrieved from



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