Development of Stroke Patients Service Model in Ranong Hospital


  • อรุณรัตน์ อินทสุวรรณ Suratthani Hospital


Service Model, Stroke Patient


              This research and development aimed to develop and evaluate the outcomes of stroke patients in Ranong Hospital. Purposive sampling was used to select 49 registered nurses and 578stroke patients who were admitted in Ranong Hospital. This study was conducted from1 October 2013until 30 September
2015and comprised of 4 phases: 1) situational analysis, 2) development of stroke patient model, 3) implementation of service model on patient care, and 4) evaluation of results. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics;percentage.
             The study revealed that the stroke patient service model is composed of 1) a committee of development stroke patientcare team, 2) patient care tools such as care guideline and manual for patient self-care, and 3)a supervision system, for monitoring compliance of the model. The results found that 1) (Service provider)the nurse team provided patient care activities following the stroke patient service model from 2013, 2014 and 2015 was at a good level (92.00%, 98.00%and100%respectively).Moreover, nurses’ satisfaction on service patient modelwas at a high level (85.67%, 91.16%and94.00% respectively).2)(Service Receiver) Patients’ satisfaction on service patient model was at a high level (84.02%, 87.67%and89.73% respectively).In addition, caregivers’
satisfaction on service patient model was at a high level (83.33%, 88.12%and90.47% respectively).3) (Quality of service)The clinical outcomes indicated an improvement of the following: 1) 0.74% Unplanned re-admission rate within 28 days with stroke, 2) 1.85% of pneumonia, 3) 0.37% urinary tract infection, 4) 3.13%of bed sore, 5)0% of fall incidence, 6)5 days on the average length of stay, and 7) patient care cost per case was 4,400 baht. In conclusion, the
stroke service model in Ranong Hospital was effective increasing the quality of care and quality of life for stroke patients.


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How to Cite

อินทสุวรรณ อ. (2016). Development of Stroke Patients Service Model in Ranong Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 30(4), 335–343. Retrieved from



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