The development of a caring model for patients with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis by registered nurses in region 11,s health care network


  • มุจลินทร์ บุญโอภาส Suratthani Hospital


Research and development, Caring model for patients with end-stage renal disease, Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis


              The purpose of this research and development was to develop a caring model for patients with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis by registered nurses in region 11,s health care network. This study used system theory as the framework. The timeframe was from November till February 2015. The purposive sampling method used in this study was split into two groups. The first group was 14 nurses who work at the renal clinic and dialysis. The second group was 60 patients with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Both groups were located
at provincial hospitals in region 11’s health care network. The tool of this study consists of six types. The first is the caring model for patients with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. The second is the questionnaire asking for general information and the appropriate model by nurses. The third is the questionnaire for nurses asking whether their practice follows the caring model. The fourth is a questionnaire to measure the patients’ perception of their self care. The fifth is a questionnaire that asks about patients’ self care behavior. The sixth is the patient care record. The process of the research consists of three steps. Firstly, the development of the caring model. Secondly, use of the caring model. Thirdly, evaluation of the outcome from this
model. The data analysis used frequency percentage, standard deviation, and a paired t test.
              This study showed the results of a caring model for patients  with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis by registered nurses. It consisted of 13 components: 1) counseling before continual ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 2) preparation of patient and family before treatment
3) caring for the patient in the initial stage of continual ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 4) continued care after initial setup 5) keeping a record of dialysis
6) nutrition 7) daily activities 8) meeting doctor before follow up 9) continuous nursing care 10) home care 11) peritoneal equilibration test 12) dialysis adequacy 13) referring patients.
              The evaluations of this model of care by 14 registered nurses found that every component was suitable. Daily activities was particularly suitable (X=4.5, SD=0.65). The evaluation of the model with patients, 60 patients with perceived self-care and self-care behavior in nutrition, medications and peritoneal dialysis increased significantly statistically (p. <0.01) They also found that the incidence of complications such as peritoneal infection and volume overload after the model was reduced to 10.00 % and 2.10 % respectively.


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How to Cite

บุญโอภาส ม. (2015). The development of a caring model for patients with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis by registered nurses in region 11,s health care network. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(1), 1–11. Retrieved from



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