The Results of the Program to Modify the Health Behaviors to control the blood sugar levels of patients with Type II Diabetes using Thai Traditional Medicines


  • จุฑารัตน์ บุญพา Suratthani Hospital
  • สุพัตรา ใจเหมาะ Suratthani Hospital


Program to Modify the Health Behaviors, Thai Traditional Medicine, Type 2 Diabetes


              This study used quasi-experimental research with a one group pre test - post test design. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the results of the program to modify the health behaviors with Thai Traditional Medicine s to control the blood sugar levels.. The sample group was 30 type II diabetic patients who had been been receiving treatment at Tasathon Health Promoting Hospital, in the Phunphin district of Suratthani province. All of them were selected by purposive sampling. The sample group was designed to join with the program to modify the health behaviors in 4 months and follow up with fasting
plasma glucose(FPG) and Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C). Data was collected during June - September 2014, then analyzed using descriptive statistics and Paired Sample t - test.
              The findings from the study showed that after implementation, the experimental group had higher mean scores of FPG and HbA1C than before the intervention with statistically significant (p –value <0.05) In conclusion, the program to modify the health behaviors with Thai Traditional Medicine can be use to control the blood sugar for patients withType 2 Diabetes by themselves.


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How to Cite

บุญพา จ., & ใจเหมาะ ส. (2015). The Results of the Program to Modify the Health Behaviors to control the blood sugar levels of patients with Type II Diabetes using Thai Traditional Medicines. Region 11 Medical Journal, 29(2), 215–218. Retrieved from



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