The evaluation of health promotion, surveillance and alleviation of public health officer at Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon province in 2017.


  • พจนีย์ ไชโย suratthani hospital


Evaluation Project,, Health Promotion, Surveillance,Alleviation


          The objectives of this research was 1) To evaluate context and input of the project. 2) To evaluate process and product of health promotion, surveillance and alleviation of public health officer at Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon province in 2017 project.The research samples were 122 public health officers in Tha Sae hospital that consisted of 2 groups were15 persons of project managers and sponsors and 107 participants. The instrument composed of 3 questionnaires that was created by literature reviews and related documents study. Finally, the 3 questionnaires were evaluated the reliability value by using .91 correlation coefficient and analyzed statistic value which consisted of percentage, average and standard deviation.The results showed that 1) The Context of the project : It has concrete policy that composed capable policy and high levels relationship of policy and project concept and 70.93% public health officer desire to join the project. 2) The Input : Project managers have responsibilities, they always plan to convene and built a strong team. They have time management, much money, sufficiHealth ent and appropriate tools, hi-tech technology and the written recorded data. However, they have not good building. 3) The Process: the project was achieved high levels and the project managers team have responsibility and they have less problems. 4) The Product: It related of the project’s objective and public health officer feel complacent and willing join to the project. The results are possibly useful for continue health prevention process at Tha Sae hospital. The project manager team should be allocated building and tools for exercise and recreational activities.Moreover, they should be evaluated other projects for improve knowledge of public health officer in the future.


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How to Cite

ไชโย พ. (2019). The evaluation of health promotion, surveillance and alleviation of public health officer at Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon province in 2017. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(1), 1–10. retrieved from



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