The Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) with atypical odontalgia as the consequence of the intracranial tumor: a case report


  • กรรณิกา ชูเกียรติมั่น Suratthani Hospital


intracranial tumor, meningioma, atypical odontalgia, temporomandibular disorder


              A patient who had been suffered from chronic dental pain over 6 months, was consulted and referred for proper diagnosis and treatment for his recent symptom of limited mouth opening. He was examined by many clinicians and dentists with failure to point out for the cause of tooth ache. Impression diagnosis for a TMD condition was made and he was treated with medication and a hard conventional occlusal splint. Despite a very good response for a short period of time, he had got relapse pain with increasing area of abnormal pattern of sensation. It was later discovered that his pain from TMD and atypical odontalgia was the consequence of the intracranial tumor; meningioma.


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How to Cite

ชูเกียรติมั่น ก. (2019). The Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) with atypical odontalgia as the consequence of the intracranial tumor: a case report. Region 11 Medical Journal, 33(3), 529–540. Retrieved from