Nursing Care of the Treatment of Outpatients with Diabetic Retinopathy after Laser Photocoagulation: A Case Report


  • Rujira Taesakul Takuapa Hospital, Phang Nga Province



Nursing care, Diabetic retinopathy


             Diabetic Retinopathy, a complication Diabetes Mellitus, may cause blindness in patients with diabetes unless effectively screened for the complication and treated with Laser Photocoagulation. The treatment inhibits the proliferation of the blood vessels, reducing the severeness of the complication, and lowering the risk of patients' blindness. This case study focuses on the treatment of outpatients with Diabetic Retinopathy after Laser Photocoagulation. According to the study, two patients with specific conditions and causes of disease required specific treatments prescribed by doctors and nursing practices. The study reveals that the patient who succeeded in controlling the blood glucose could maintain his or her visual acuity but with blurred vision regarding the severity of Diabetic Retinopathy. In contrast, the patient without control over blood glucose will encounter blindness that will significantly affect his or her quality of life.


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How to Cite

Taesakul, R. (2020). Nursing Care of the Treatment of Outpatients with Diabetic Retinopathy after Laser Photocoagulation: A Case Report. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(3), 95–104.