A Chikungunya fever outbreak investigation in Paknam Langsuan Sub-district, Langsuan District, Chumphon Province, February-March 2019


  • Saksit Maharattanawong Langsuan Hospital, Chumphon Province




Chikungunya fever, outbreak investigation


              Background: On 26 February 2019, the Surveillance and rapid response team, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province was informed by the Public Health Unit of Pak Nam Lang Suan Municipality concerning many suspected Chikungunya patients. A fast mobile disease investigation team in Lang Suan District together with Pak Nam Lang Suan Sub district Municipality conducted an investigation and disease control in the area with the objectives of confirmed the diagnosis and outbreak of disease.

              Methods: There were study areas including descriptive epidemiological study and laboratory study. Risk factors of the disease conducted by analytical study using case-control 1:3. Mosquito larvae breeding site surveys carried out in an environment study.

              Results: Out of 30-suspected patients, 11 were laboratory confirmed cases. All of which presented with fever and joint pain. Other symptoms in this study, including rash, headache and muscle pain revealed 56.72%, 55.22% and 34.33% respectively. The case-control study showed the statistical significance Chikungunya preventive factors were mosquito net (p=0.001) and eradication of mosquito breeding site (p=0.009). In an environmental aspect, it found that the HI (House index) and CI (Container index) values were risk of disease spreading. Measures to eliminate larvae and destroy mosquito-breeding facilities were key factor. Successful control of Chikungunya outbreak were not only campaign to educate and create community participation but also active investigation as soon as new cases reported in the area.

              Conclusions: Prevention factor was an important to successful control of Chikungunya outbreak


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How to Cite

Maharattanawong, S. (2020). A Chikungunya fever outbreak investigation in Paknam Langsuan Sub-district, Langsuan District, Chumphon Province, February-March 2019. Region 11 Medical Journal, 34(3), 73–83. https://doi.org/10.14456/reg11med.2020.6



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