The Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic on Treatment Outcome and Requirement of the Cancer Patient in Suratthani Hospital; 2021


  • Kanjana Sukhokanjanachusak Suratthani Hospital, Suratthani Province


Covid-19 in the cancer patient, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the cancer patient


          Background: The recent Covid-19 pandemic has affected the world and has the potential to disproportionately affect and disrupt the lives of cancer survivors, including those currently in treatment, those who have completed treatment, and those who are now living cancer-free.

          Objectives: This study evaluates the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on cancer care, self-care, and requirement in cancer patients in Suratthani Hospital. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics

          Method: The cross-sectional survey research use questionnaire to collect data from the 280 cancer patients in Excellence Clinic in Suratthani Hospital.

          Results: The data showed that 16.1% of the cancer patients delayed treatment such as chemotherapy, surgery, and tissue biopsy due to patients' concern and anxiety about the Covid-19 pandemic. The patients that delayed treatment about 1.6-2 months and 22.7% the disease progression. The financial toxicity impacted the cost of cancer care by 31.8%, reducing taking food supplements, herbal and medical food. Moreover, the cancer patients require a One-Stop Service System, Cancer Anywhere Project, and Telemedicine to support them in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. They protect themselves from Covid-19 by mask 98.2% and wash the hands with soap or alcohol 79.9%. The satisfaction of excellent clinic service was at an acceptable level.

          Conclusion: This study found that the impact of Covid-19 on cancer care has led to decreases and delays in a treatment program, leading to an increase in cancer morbidity and mortality. The development of oncology practice systems and other strategies for support cancer care is essential.


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How to Cite

Sukhokanjanachusak, K. (2021). The Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic on Treatment Outcome and Requirement of the Cancer Patient in Suratthani Hospital; 2021. Region 11 Medical Journal, 35(1). Retrieved from



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