Outcome of Subacute Post-stroke Rehabilitation in Outpatient-based VS Home-based


  • piyanat sakulpipatana Vachira phuket Hospital


Post-stroke rehabilitation, Home-based program, Intermediate care, Barthel index


          Background: Improvement process of rehabilitation system for subacute post stroke patients in Vachira Phuket Hospital.

          Objectives: To explore outcome of home-based and outpatient-based setting rehabilitation in subacute post stroke patients who had moderate dependency and to compare the outcome of two group.

          Method: Retrospective review medical records of 76 stroke patients who had moderate dependency when discharged from Vachira Phuket Hospital since September 2018 to October 2019. Multidisciplinary team assesses the patients before discharge from hospital. Barthel index Thai version and return to work rate are used. Patients get rehabilitation and follow until BI full =20 or reach 6 months.    

         Results: Both therapy groups improved significantly in activities of daily living (p<0.001). Outpatient group had significantly higher improvement of Barthel index from baseline (p-value = 0.047) Return to work rate is not difference between 2 groups (p-value = 0.484)

          Conclusion: although out-patient based rehabilitation can improve ADL more than home-based rehabilitation, return to work rates are not different in both groups.    


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How to Cite

sakulpipatana, piyanat. (2021). Outcome of Subacute Post-stroke Rehabilitation in Outpatient-based VS Home-based . Region 11 Medical Journal, 35(2). Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/249376



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