Efficiency of 2-implant retained mandibular overdenture in the patients at Periodontal department, Suratthani Hospital


  • Warangrat Savetsilp Suratthani Hospital


2-implant retained overdenture, Survival rate of dental implant


          Background: A complete denture can be easy to lose or fall off of lower dentures when chewing or speaking. The dental implant can hold the denture more firmly in place.

          Objectives: To study the effectiveness of a removable complete denture attached to two dental implants.

          Method: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted at the periodontal unit, Suratthani hospital between 2010-2022. The data were collected from medical records and the dental implant project in honor of His Majesty the King data-based of 217 patients. The purposive sampling was used to recruit the participants. The data were collected using patient and clinical record form, panoramic radiograph, and clinical implant performance scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test. 

          Results: Most of the sample were female (54.8 percent). The mean age of both gender was 68.9 years.1) The ability to hold the lower denture better than before was 96.8 percent 2) survival rate of the implant was 96.8 percent. Two third of the survival were success, secondly were satisfactory survival and compromised survival respectively, and 3) The most complications were teared/ lost O-ring (82.5 percent), more than half were reline /rebase dentures and screw loosening (58.1 and 51.6 percent respectively).

          Conclusion: The dental implant can increase the ability to hold the lower denture, high survival rate. Therefore, it should be extended to patients of other age groups, develop the attachment design to increase the efficiency of occlusion, lower prosthodontic complications, increase quality of life and satisfaction of using denture.


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How to Cite

Savetsilp, W. . (2022). Efficiency of 2-implant retained mandibular overdenture in the patients at Periodontal department, Suratthani Hospital . Region 11 Medical Journal, 36(3). Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/260061



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