The Development Nursing System of Pregnancy induced Hypertension in Suratthani Hospital


  • Chonlada Piwpong Suratthani Hospital


Development system, nursing care, Pregnancy induced Hypertension


Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension is a leading cause of death for pregnant women. Developing an effective nursing care model for pregnant women with hypertension will help ensure safety.

Objective: To develop a nursing system of pregnancy induced hypertension and study the effect of Pregnancy induced Hypertension Nursing System

Method: The Research and development was purposive sampling for 2 sample groups consisting of 30 professional nurses and 40 PIH patents who received services at ANC unit, Labour room, and Postnatal unit. The research included 4 phase: 1) Situation analysis 2) Developed nursing care system 3) 3 evaluated nursing system of pregnancy induced hypertension and 4) implied pregnancy induced hypertension nursing system.


  1. A-SCT Model for nursing system of pregnancy induced hypertension consist 4 components as follow 1. A=Assessment S=Stress Management C= Communication and T=Technology Digital
  2. The effective of A-SCT Model show that compliance is 98.33%, when compare stress level it is found that the experimental group receiving the program had significantly lower stress mean score than the control group receiving usual care (p<0.01) and satisfaction score show that they were overall satisfied at a highest level ( =3.65, SD=0.49)

Conclusion: A-SCT Model can promote to reduced stress and increased satisfaction and nursing service quality. Therefore, it can be applied to organization with similar context.


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How to Cite

Piwpong, C. . (2022). The Development Nursing System of Pregnancy induced Hypertension in Suratthani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 36(3). Retrieved from



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