Development of Network Participation Model for Caring Schizophrenic Patients with Violence Behavior Toward a Comprehensive Proactive Health Care in Community
model development, participation, schizophrenia, violent behavior, community careAbstract
Background: Schizophrenic patients were more increased risk of violence behavior with 2-10 times than the general population. 10% of violence patients were impacted more seriously to themselves, families, society, and community.
Objectives: This study aim to develop and assess community health care networks (CHN) participation model for caring schizophrenic patients with violence behavior toward a comprehensive proactive health care in community.
Method: The sample of this study were 40 schizophrenic patients with violence behavior, 40 caregivers, and 30 CHN personnels. Participatory action research was conducted in 3 phases: 1) initial phase was Research team and community preparation 2) Operation stage included the situation analysis, developed, and evaluated care model and 3) Evaluation stage was follow-up of the research results after 1 and 3 months. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and one-way ANOVA and t-test.
Results: The model for caring schizophrenic patients with violent behavior toward a comprehensive proactive health care in community was developed. The result revealed that social functioning and quality of life of schizophrenic patients and caregivers, caregivers’ burden mean score of experimental group and control group after 1 and 3 months were significantly different at P< 0.05 (F=14.37, 20.42, 28.89 and 13.35 respectively). Community health care networks personnel had a statistically significant in quality of life and happiness scores at P< 0.05 (t test = 2.32 and 4.54, respectively).
Conclusion: This model for caring schizophrenic patients with violent behavior toward a comprehensive proactive health care in community emphasized the participation of all stakeholders. The result created positive development which were supported for patients, families and stakeholder living together with good quality of life.
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