Effectiveness of Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition in Diagnosis of Visual-Spatial Disorganizations in Psychotic Patients


  • Jurairat Prachumrat Suratthani Hospital


Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition, Psychotic Partients, Normal people, Visual-Spatial


Background: Psychotic patients are patients who have inappropriate perceptions thoughts, and behaviors. Assessing psychotic patients. by using only a language method could cause risk. It is better to have an assessment form method which can evaluate psychotic patients without using language method. Conducting this method could reduce risk from using a language method and make psychotic patients feel less threatened.

Objectives: To study the test results of Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition to segregate psychotic patients from normal people

Method: The study is a comparative study of Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition. It studies 120 people. Samples were purposively selected. Data was collected of experiment beween January-november 2022.  who are psychotic patients and normal people. By using One-Way ANOVA to analyze results from of Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition

Results: The research results revealed the Psychotic Patients ’score and normal people’s Score wear statistically significant difference at a level of 0.01. A pair comparisons result showed that Schizophrenias, Depression with psychotic symptoms, Bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms, and Substance/drug-Induced Psychotic Disorder. had different score than normal people in every aspect, according to Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second edition , at a level of 0.01

Conclusion: The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition can assess cognitive disorder and the understanding of spatial Temporal Intelligence to segregate psychotic patients from normal people but can not identify the difference among psychotic patients


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How to Cite

Prachumrat, J. . (2023). Effectiveness of Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition in Diagnosis of Visual-Spatial Disorganizations in Psychotic Patients. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(1), 108–123. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/260820



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