Development of Fall Prevention Model of Homebound Elderly by Multi-sectoral Collaboration at All levels of healthcare and social agencies in Sapphaya District Chai Nat Province


  • Paisan khunvised Sapphaya District Public Health Office
  • Supasiri Yoochoo Sapphaya District Public Health Office
  • Wisut Nojit Boromrajonani College of Nursing, Chai Nat


fall prevention model, Multi-sectoral Collaboration at All levels, Homebound Elderly


Introduction: Chai Nat province has an average annual rate of 7.56% higher than the elderly die from falls, but the elderly in urban and rural communities lack proper fall prevention development.

Objective: To study the problem situation, Collaboration at All levels of healthcare and social agencies, Development of fall prevention model of homebound elderly by collaborating between all levels of healthcare and social agencies in Saphaya district, Chai Nat province and the results of the implementation of the developed model.

Method: It is participatory action research. Selected specific participants 30 leaders of healthcare and social agencies and 56 elderly homebound group. The tools used to pass the quality check from 3 experts, including questionnaire of the problem assessment survey and self-efficacy, fall prevention behavior and number of falls that analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired t-test, defines a significance level of .05 and using focus group discussion guideline to study of collaborative data, model development and implementation results that analyzed by content analysis.

Results: After using the developed model found that homebound elderly have an increased average of their efficacy and fall prevention behaviors by statistical significant (p<0.05) not found 86.7 percent fell and 40 percent were adjusted to the home environment.

Conclusion: Developed model can be prevented falls of homebound elderly with collaboration as partners at all levels of healthcare and social agencies.


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How to Cite

khunvised, P. ., Yoochoo, S., & Nojit, W. . (2023). Development of Fall Prevention Model of Homebound Elderly by Multi-sectoral Collaboration at All levels of healthcare and social agencies in Sapphaya District Chai Nat Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(4), 26–43. Retrieved from



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