The Effectiveness of Nursing Care for Hypothermia Program in Severe Injury Patients in Emergency Department


  • Thipsuda Phomdontre Hatyai Hospital
  • Tippawun Ruttanapun Hatyai Hospital


Hypothermia, Nursing care for hypothermia, Severe injury


Background: Accidental injury is a life-threatening health problem in global and Thailand. Hypothermia is a factor that increases the death rate in severe injured patients. Therefore, the researcher was interested in studying the results of the hypothermia nursing program in severe injury patients.

Objectives: Compare the average body temperature of severe injury patients between the control group and the experimental group.

Method: This research is quasi-experimental research (two-group pretest-posttest design). The sample groups are ISS score ≥ 16, aged 18-60 years, body temperature ≤ 36 C, total 52 severe injury patients, a control group of 26 samples received usual nursing care and experimental group of 26 samples received nursing care for hypothermia program. Two instruments were used for data collection. Content validity of the instruments were examined by 3 experts. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test and repeated measures ANOVA.

Results: The mean body temperature of the experimental group after receiving the program (  = 36.72, S.D. = 0.31) was higher than that of the control group with a significantly (p <.05). The difference in mean body temperature after using the program was significantly (p < .05) during time 2, 3 and 4.    

Conclusion: Nursing care for hypothermia program in severe injury patients in emergency department (ED) as a guideline for increases body temperature.


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How to Cite

Phomdontre, T. ., & Ruttanapun, T. . (2024). The Effectiveness of Nursing Care for Hypothermia Program in Severe Injury Patients in Emergency Department. Region 11 Medical Journal, 38(3). Retrieved from



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