The Development of Blended Learning Model in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing for Student Nurse


  • Thidarat kanungpiarn Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Surin, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health
  • Thida Mulalin
  • Araya Jiramanasawong Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Surin, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health
  • Wilawan Klaraeng
  • Rujisan Surataworn


mental health and psychiatric nursing subject, blended learning, program


          This research  and development aimed to study blended learning model in mental health and psychiatric nursing for student nurse. The sample of 104 second-year nursing students, academic year of 2021, enrolled in mental health and psychiatric nursing  subject was purposively selected from Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Surin. The instruments used were divided into 3 parts. The first one was 1) the blended learning program, 2) the questionnaires such as the mental health and psychiatric nursing achievement test, the psychiatric nursing practice competency questionnaire. The content validity Index was verified by 3 experts.  The reliability of questionnaire was 0.96, 0.82. The data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test.

           Results showed that the effective blended learning model of adult nursing 1 subject by using carmen concept (2005) consist of 40 % of lectured participation and 60% of leaning from media online by teacher synchronous with student in the same time, online changing opinion 2. Google classroom 3. Case study analyze and development mental health and psychiatric nursing process by using evidence base practice 4. Quit test midterm and final test 5. Self study with online data base. When comparing of the psychiatric nursing practice competency, psychiatric nursing achievement test, it is found that 1) the nursing students had a statistically significant higher score of the psychiatric nursing practice competency after using the blended learning (P<.05), 2) the nursing students who pass had the mental health and psychiatric nursing achievement test more than 60 %, the highest score is final test (91.35%; n=95) then, midterm test (76.08% (n=79)

           In conclusion, the blended learning program can enhance knowledge and psychiatric nursing practice competency in student nurses. Therefore, teacher should be use the blended learning for preparing mental health and psychiatric nursing practice.


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