Medical oversight


  • Korakot Apiratwarakul Department of emergency medicine, Faculty of medicine, Khon Kaen University


medical oversight, EMS, prehospital care


Medical oversight is one of the knowledge that general practitioners (GPs) and aemergency medicine physicians (EPs) need to understand. If comparing emergency medical services (EMS) to the human body, medical oversight means the brain serves to control and command in the operation for maximum efficiency. In EMS operations, most of them are performed by healthcare professionals other than physicians. Some situation causes the patients worst clinical at the scene, it is necessary to consult a physician who serves as medical director of the EMS, which makes the role extremely important. In the case of selecting the destination hospital for delivering the patient. The patient diagnosed with stroke fast track, the medical director is also responsible for choosing the right hospital. The hospitals with the potential for CT scan and thrombolytics (rt-PA) were provided. Alternatively, in the case of patients with multiple trauma, the medical director must oversight the patients to the trauma center level I, that’s to provide the fastest and most appropriate patient care. There are two types of medical oversight in an EMS operation, indirect and direct medical oversight. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on each hospital’s context in selecting the appropriate procedures. As the role of physician, it is imperative to know the patterns, procedures, and actions.


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How to Cite

Apiratwarakul K. Medical oversight. TJEM [internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(2):31-42. available from: