The Epidemiology of Emergency Medical Service at Thammasat University Hospital


  • Nat Chatchairatanavej Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University
  • Kumpol Amnuaypattanapon Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Thammasat University


emergency patient, emergency department, emergency medical service


Introduction : The National Institute for Emergency Medicine by Ministry of Public Health of Thailand has developed Emergency Medical Service (EMS) for Thai people, who suffer from emergency illness, since 2002. The characteristics of emergency patients who used EMS might be helped emergency personal to develop the policy for emergency patients in the future.

Objective : This study aimed to determine the epidemiology of Emergency Medical Service used at Thammasat University Hospital.

Methods : This study was descriptive study of emergency patients who used emergency medical service and were transferred to Thammasat University Hospital between January and December 2017. All data from case record forms and emergency medical service charts were used to analyze.

Results : The total of 747 emergency patients, 73.09% were male, mean age was 34.90 years old (IQR; 20.00-45.00), the mean of response time was 6.30 minutes (IQR; 4.00-7.00), the distance from scene to Thammasat University Hospital was 3.9 kilometers (IQR; 2.00-4.00), most of patients transferred in afternoon shift (46.99%), 16.06% triaged at ED with critical level, 99.60% were traumatic patients, 71.22% were road traffic patients, 87.82%, 9.64%, and 2.54% were transferred by emergency medical responders, nurses, and physicians, respectively. 10.98% had pre-hospital interventions, 40.21% admitted in hospital, 59.33% were discharged at ED, and only 0.46% transferred to other hospitals.

Conclusion : Of 747 emergency patients, 73.09% were male, age 34.9 years old, 46.99% serviced on afternoon shift, 16.06% triaged at ED with critical level, 99.60% were traumatic patients, 87.82% transferred by emergency medical responders, 40.21% admitted in hospital and 59.33% discharged at ED. Therefore, the result of the study could be helped and informed the physician to improve the quality of emergency system in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Chatchairatanavej N, Amnuaypattanapon K. The Epidemiology of Emergency Medical Service at Thammasat University Hospital. TJEM [internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];2(1):1-16. available from: