Geriatric emergency medicine-related knowledge teaching among Thai emergency medicine residents
Geriatric emergency medicine, Emergency medicine resident, ThailandAbstract
Introduction : The number of the older adult population and the geriatric patients seeking emergency has been increasing. The emergency department (ED) is affected by this growing number. Emergency physicians (EPs) are prepared to take care of patients in the ED. Unfortunately, some physicians still unfamiliar with taking care of older adult patients. Emergency medicine (EM) in Thailand was established in 2003 but yet, there is no specific topic about geriatric emergency medicine in the current EM residency curriculum.
Objective : This study aims to explore how GEM knowledge is taught in the Thai EM residency curriculum and the barriers to teaching GEM.
Study design : We developed a web-based survey. We gathered the list of EM residency training institutions, contacted 22 training sites, and sent out the email with the survey link to the EM department or EM residency program director. Descriptive analysis was performed.
Result : We had a 64% (14/22) response rate. Seven institutions were teaching GEM. The mean time spent on teaching GEM-related knowledge was 4 hours (SD+2.8). Two (28.6%) institutions had GEM staff. No GEM specialist staff was the main barrier to teaching GEM-related knowledge. Most (92.9%) thought providing GEM course for EM staffs will enhance teaching GEM-related topics to EM residents. All participants thought that GEM-related knowledge is important to EP and thought an online course could enhance GEM-related knowledge.
Conclusion : Despite unanimous opinions that GEM-related knowledge is important to EM residents, teaching GEM-related knowledge is still a novelty in the Thai EM residency curriculum. The major barrier was a lack of GEM specialists which might be solved by creating a GEM course for EM staff with setting up a standard course and a regular online course for the residents. Evaluation after the course and adding GEM-related knowledge in board examination might enhance interested in the GEM-related knowledge.
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