Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
Title page (include in the following details)
- The title of manuscript
- A list of the authors with their degrees
- The affiliation of each author
- The corresponding author with his contact; affiliation, address, and e-mail
- The running title should be limited to 40 words
- Keywords contain at least 3 key words and no more than 6 key words. - Abstract (no more than 250 words and especially Original article and Systematic review must have topics as follow Objective, Material and Method, Result and Conclusion)
- Body text (word count as follow Selected editorial 1,000- 1,500 words, Original article 3,500 words, Systematic review 6,000 words, Case report 2,000 words and Review article 4,000 words
- Acknowledgement (If authors receive assistance for research or manuscript writing, authors should clearly describe in the: “Acknowledgement section”)
- Funding Sources (If authors receive financial support or sponsorship for the study research, Authors must give full details about the funding of any research relevant to their study; including: sponsor names and explanations of the roles of these sources in the funding sources section)
- Conflict of interest (Authors must declare whether their articles have or do not have any potential, or existing, conflicts of interest)
- References (number references sequentially, in the order that they are cited)
□ Double space text
□12 font size in Times New Roman
□ Numbered pages -
Figure and Table
□ Limit of 8 total figure and table
□ Figure format; .tif, .gift, .jpg
□ Figure size should be 5x7 inches with at least of 300 dpi. -
Cover letter
□ A statement confirming that the material is original, has not already been published, and has not, nor will not, be submitted for publication elsewhere, so long as it is under consideration by the ISU -
Cover letter
□ Written disclosure of any relationships or support, which might be perceived as constituting a conflict of interest
Cover letter
□ Name and signature of corresponding author(s) -
Consent form
□ All authors understand and agree with the condition in the ISU’s consent form -
Consent form
□ Name and signature of corresponding author - English language approval letter (This is an optional requirement for non-native speaking country). If no an approval letter, please contact the ISU’s editorial office ( after submission.
Reviewer (This is an optional requirement)
□ The names, current contact info, and e-mails for at least 2 Peer Reviewers (must not be from the same institution nor coauthors)
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