The Scrotal Island pedicle flap in Post Excisional Paraffinoma with middle to distal penile skin defect.
Scrotal flap, Island scrotal flap, Island pedicle scrotal flap, Paraffinoma, Penile paraffinoma, Granuloma, Penile Granuloma, Foreingn body granuloma, penile skin defectedAbstract
Abtract :
The Penile Paraffinoma is the one of problem in the Urological Reconstruction. This is the granuloma production of body response to the foreign body from the patient mistake thinking. The granuloma can present multiple abnormality such as partial granuloma, whole penile skin granuloma, infection, ulceration, even the malignancy can be occured.
About the penile skin coverage after the granuloma excision, we used the scrotal skin as the first
choice. But the size of scrotal skin flap depend on the penile skin defect and location. If the penile skin defect is the whole length or the proximal penile skin, it’s so easy to scrotal skin flap creation. The difficult is the penile skin defect at the Prepuce including the 1/3 of distal penile part. If you judged to close defected by suture, you would see the shortening penile length. But if you judged to used scrotal skin to close defect, how can you manage the remaining penile skin, excision or leave it to be the dog ears ? This the question in your mind. How can correct this defect with the Scrotal Skin Island Pedicle Flap (SSIPF). No report to use the SSIPF to cover the middle to distal penile skin defected in post excisional penile paraffinoma. But the reports show the use SSIPF in the urethral reconstruction only.
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