The Study of Serum Testosterone Level and Aging Male Symptoms in Thai Aging Male with Erectile Dysfunction


  • Chaiporn Somboontanakit Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Apichat Kongganun Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Kavirat Tantiwong Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand


Serum Testosterone, Aging Male Symptoms, Thai Aging Male, Erectile Dysfunction


Purpose: To study the relationship between age, serum testosterone levels and aging male symp- toms in Thai aging male with erectile dysfunction.

Materials and Methods: In all 51 men above the age of 40 years with erectile dysfunction, selected from andropause clinic outpatient department, King Chulalongkorn memorial hospital, with physical exa- mination and completed questionnaire about personal detail, question, Aging male symptom scale (Thai version) and complete data on serum total testosterone, free testosterone, bioavialable testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin level.

Results: Mean age of samples was 59.6 (SD = 9.4). Mean value of total, free testosterone bioavailable testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) was 453.7 ng/dl, 8.7 ng/dl, 208.4 ng/dl and 38 nmol respectively. Approximately 11.8% of subject had low total testosterone (total testosterone <300 ng/ dl), but none subject had low free testosterone (free testosterone <5 ng/dl). The results of the AMS scores mostly suggested moderate symptoms (41.2%). AMS scale and three subgroup AMS domain scale was not significantly correlated with testosterone, free testosterone or bioavailable testosterone. Only age was significantly correlated with sex hormone binding globulin.

Conclusions: AMS scale was not correlated with age and serum testosterone level in Thai aging male with erectile dysfunction. Also, the fact that aging male symptoms questionnaires cannot predict androgen levels and does not exclude the possibility that relative androgen deficiency may contribute to the multifactorially defined clinical changes in aging men with erectile dysfunction.


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How to Cite

Somboontanakit, C., Kongganun, A., & Tantiwong, K. (2007). The Study of Serum Testosterone Level and Aging Male Symptoms in Thai Aging Male with Erectile Dysfunction. Insight Urology, 28(2), 118–124. retrieved from



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