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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 16-point font; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Abstracts in both Thai and English must specify at least 3 - 5 keywords and keywords to use the ";" symbol.
  • Your article has been passed in research ethics consideration.
  • Fill in the contact : name-surname and telephone number
    in the message to the editor section

Criteria of Article Submission for Publication in Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University

          Thailand National Sports University has implemented the project of Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, which is scheduled to manipulate three issues a year. Its purposes are to publicize academic works and researches in physical education, sports, health promotion, sports science, sports administration, sports business, recreation, tourism, education  and to be a central media of knowledge exchange. The editorial board has prescribed the criteria of article submission for researchers and interested people so that the journal arrangement will be in line with the criteria as the following details:

1. Types of Article

          1.1 Research article is the article systematically composed from the research.

          1.2 Academic article is the article as follows:

               1.2.1 The article is derived from literature review and aims to propagate body of knowledge, experiences or expertise, author’s ideas, or discovery which may be the result of researches being systematically composed.

               1.2.2 The article presents the processes of innovation construction and development.

2. Compositions of Article

          2.1 Front page is limited to one page of A4 paper and consists of:

              2.1.1 Title: not more than 2 lines.  

    2.1.2 Author’s name: with no title and academic standing.

    2.1.3 Affiliation’s name: affiliating agencies of all authors shall be specified and the power shall be put in case the authors come from different agencies.

              2.1.4 Abstract: a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 300 words.  

              2.1.5 Keywords: 3-5 words approximately.

              2.1.6 Corresponding author: name, last name, major subject, affiliating faculty, and email address are required. Independent scholar is required to specify name, last name, address, and email address.

          2.2 Contents

               2.2.1 Research article consists of:

            Introduction: the background and the importance of the problems including related literature review which causes research objectives and hypotheses shall be explained.

            Research methodology: the research design, the tools and its quality finding, procedure/method of data collection, data analysis or/and method used to verify validity and reliability of data collection shall be clarified.

             Results: the outcome of data collection in accordance with research purposes shall be presented. Tables and/or figures shall be settled. If there is any description under the tables or figures, it should point out the interesting issue or remark a cause of showing the symbols specified in the table.

             Discussion: the results shall be confirmed or analyzed so that readers will clearly see whether the results are in line with hypotheses or whether the findings are consistent with theories and/or whether the previous researches are supporting or conflicting. It also includes discussion of the results to present guidelines of research utilization.

             Conclusion: the main points of findings in the research shall be indicated.

             Acknowledgements (if any): the appreciation to those who are involved in the success shall be expressed. A maximum of 3 lines is required.

             References: A list of documents referred in the article content shall be indicated. If the references are in the Thai language, they must be converted into English. For in-text citation in the Thai article, in case of foreigner’s name, Thai transliterated name should be put together with it in accordance with the criteria of APA format (American Psychological Association).

          Remarks: All research articles need to get passed the research ethics first.

              2.2.2 Academic article

                      Academic conceptual framework is needed for writing the content of academic article to show linkages of concept and rationale. Moreover, language usage for presenting a piece of work should be explicitly composed such as consistent content arrangement, citing reference in text, etc. so as to enable the readers to understand and realize the importance of the article. Academic article writing should comprise:

             Introduction: to explain background and importance of work

             Methodology: to describe how to obtain data or knowledge

             Conclusion: to summarize the main point or issue of work

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