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Kinetics and Kinetics are important to the efficiency and stability of the 3-point scoring, which is the highest score in basketball, which can bring the team back to have a leading score.
This research aimed to study the biomechanics variables and the correlation in the 3-point basketball shooting.
The samples consisted of four professional and six amateur’s basketball players, who fired 5 balls, 2 sets of breaks during each shot, 1-3 minutes and rested between 5-7 minutes. This research was conducted in an experimental research design. The data were analyzed with a 3D motion analysis program by six 280 Hz cameras. The data were analyzed by a mean ( ), standard deviation (S.D.) value of biomechanics variables of 3-point scoring in professional and amateur basketball players using Pair t-test statistic and Pearson correlation at the statistical significance level of .05.
The results of biomechanics variables of 3-point scoring showed that positive correlation was found between the shoulder angle and the elbow angle (p = .002), between the wrist angle and the knee angle (p = .000), while negative correlation was found at the angle of shooting between the elbow angle and the ankle angle (p = .004), and shoulder angle and ankle angle (p = .019) at the level of .05. Additionally, no significant differences were found between professional and amature basketball players at the level of .05.
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The published article is a copyright of the Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University. The passage appeared in each article in this academic journal is a perspective of each author which is not related to the journal. Each author is required to be responsible for all components of his/her own article. If there are any mistakes, each author must be responsible for those mistakes on his/her own.
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