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Suriyan Kanthipwarakul
Wattana Suriyachan
Kathin Puttapimsen
Anucha Kitichaicharn
Jiratchaya Moonhong


The purposes of the study were to study the actual characteristics of 178 pre-service teachers in the school practicum of the 5th year students majoring in Physical Education and Physical Education and Health Education, Faculty of Education, the Institute of Physical Education, Chiang Mai Campus in the academic year 2017 following the perspective of the supervising teachers and the expectation of the executives and to survey the area of morality and ethic, the area of knowledge, the area of intellectual skills, the area of interpersonal skills and responsibility, the area of numerical, communication and technology information analytical skills, the area of learning skills and the identity of the Institute of Physical Education, Chiang Mai Campus following the perspective of the supervising teachers and the executives toward Physical Education and Health Education profession. The research tool was the questionnaire. The reliability was 0.76. The implemented statistics was percentage, mean and standard deviation.

          It was found that regarding to the actual characteristics of the pre-service teachers majoring in Physical Education ,and Physical Education and Health Education, Faculty of Education, the Institute of Physical Education, Chiang Mai Campus following the perspective of the supervising teachers, the area of morality and ethic had the highest average of 4.45, the area of knowledge had average of 4.10 at high level, the area of intellectual skills had average of 4.03 at high level, the area of interpersonal skills and responsibility had average of 4.29 at high level, the area of numerical, communication and information technology analytical skills had average of 3.93 at high level, the area of learning skills had average of 4.27 at high level, the area of identify had average of 4.45 at high level, the area of lesson plan had average of 3.22 at high level and the area of the characteristics of teacher profession had average of 4.18 at high level.

          Regarding to the perspective of the executives toward the pre-service teachers in the school practicum majoring in Physical Education, and Physical Education and Health Education, Faculty of Education, the Institute of Physical Education, Chiang Mai Campus, it was found that the characteristics in the area of morality and ethic had the average of 4.66 with the highest level, the area of knowledge with the average of 4.63 at the highest level , the area of intellectual skills with average of 4.43 at high level, the area of interpersonal skills and responsibility with average of 4.32 at high level, the area of information technology skills with average of 4.20 at high level and the area of learning skills with average of 4.36 at high level.

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How to Cite
Kanthipwarakul, S. ., Suriyachan, W. ., Puttapimsen, K. ., Kitichaicharn , . A. ., & Moonhong, J. . (2019). THE ACTUAL AND DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS IN THE SCHOOL PRACTICUM THE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, CHIANG MAI CAMPUS. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 45–56. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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