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Nutcha Kulpanawath


The purposes of this research were to study motivations and compare gender, age, education level, marital status and average income in terms of the Thai tourist’ motivation in visiting Ubon Ratchathani National Museum.The samples were 400 Thai tourists who travelled to Ubon Ratchathani province and visited in Ubon Ratchathani National Museum.The sample was selected by Convenience Sampling. The research instrument was questionnaires which were adopted as a main method of data collection and were represented in the index of item objectives congruence (IOC) equivalent as 0.72 including Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient at 0.82. Data were analyzed statistically using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the test value “t” (t-test). One-way analysis of variance: ANOVA was used to compare the motivation in visiting Ubon Ratchathani National Museum.

The research results were revealed that, the majority of respondents were single females aged between 20-29 years old with bachelor’s degree education level. Most of them were students with average income less than or equal to 10,000 THB and they were Northeastern. The majority of respondents were motivated at high satisfaction level in all aspects except the cultural motivation which was in highest level. The comparisons among Thai tourist motivation to gender, age, education level and income in visit Ubon Ratchathani National Museum, they indicated that there were significant differences in statistic at 0.05. However, there were no relationships between marital status and motivation of Thai tourist in visit Ubon Ratchathani National Museum.”

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How to Cite
Kulpanawath , N. . . (2019). THAI TOURISTS’ MOTIVATION IN VISITING UBON RATCHATHANI NATIONAL MUSEUM. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 120–132. retrieved from
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