Main Article Content
The purposes of this study were 1) to study and rank the importance of the desirable characteristics of the professional sports personnel of Chiang Mai, Thailand in the era of 4.0; 2) to compare the desirable characteristics of the professional sports personnel with the different types of sport. The samples were 200 professional sports personnel of Chiang Mai from 10 types of professional sports of football, badminton, sepak takraw, volleyball, snooker, bowling, bicycle, tennis, golf and basketball. Data were collected for using a questionnaire, and were analyzed for using percentage, average, standard deviation, and analysis of variance (ANOVA), and compared the average pairings using the LSD method.
The findings were as follows:
- The desirable characteristics of professional sports personnel of Chiang Mai, Thailand in the era of 4.0 were at high level. The importance of desirable characteristics ranking from the greatest to least were the area of morality and ethic was ranked number 1; the area of personality was ranked number 2; the area of the service provider was ranked number 3 and the area of knowledge ability and skill respectively was ranked number 4.
- Regarding to the characteristics of professional sports personnel of Chiang Mai and the different types of sports, it was found that the specific desirable characteristics were statistically significant at .05. The findings also revealed that the bicycle type had more specific desirable characteristics of the area of service provider than the types of tennis, volleyball, bowling, badminton, golf, football, sepak takraw, and snooker. In addition, the basketball type had more specific desirable characteristics of the area of service provider than the tennis type.
Conclusion : The professional sports personnel of Thailand in the era of 4.0 should possess and receive the development of the four desirable characteristics of the areas of morality and ethic; personality; service provider and knowledge ability and skill in order to meet international quality and standards. The bicycle type with the specific desirable characteristics of the area of service provider should be considered as a good example by the other types of sports for higher quality and standards of desirable characteristics.
Article Details
The published article is a copyright of the Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University. The passage appeared in each article in this academic journal is a perspective of each author which is not related to the journal. Each author is required to be responsible for all components of his/her own article. If there are any mistakes, each author must be responsible for those mistakes on his/her own.
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