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Witthaya Inpongpan
Prangtip Yuvanont


This research aims to 1) study the current situation of sport tourism, 2) analyze the sport tourism situation in Thailand, 3) formulate the sport tourism strategy in Thailand. The research is divided into four phases. The first phase is to study tourism trends and policies regarding to tourism and sport by reviewing document and research paper. Data was analyzed using template analysis. The second phase involves a study of demand and supply which is to understand tourist perception about sport tourism, Data was collected through online and paper-based questionnaire survey – approximately 400 questionnaires have been returned to analyst data, followed by a focus group discussion with 12 experts for more understanding of customer behavior and their perceptions.  Phase three is to synthesis data of research phase 1 and phase 2. Prior code from template analysis has been revised and develop a draft of sport tourism strategic plan of Thailand. Phase four is to confirm and support the draft of sport tourist strategic plan of Thailand by 13 experts who are senior management in national level, using Delphi technique.

          From pivotal step of research process, 6 strategic issues, 15 strategies and 38 action plans have been presented as a sport tourism strategy of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Inpongpan , W. . ., & Yuvanont, P. . (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF SPORT TOURISM STRATEGY OF THAILAND. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 191–204. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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