The Study of the Students Personality Studying at The Institute of Physical Education, Central Region Campus: Based on The Transactional Analysis Theory

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Kanokrat Tuancha-em


The purposesof this research weretostudythecharacteristicsof student’s personality of The Institute of Physical Education (IPE); Thailand Central region campus student’s personality of IPE and to compare The difference of students the samples were 370 bachelor students composted of 245 male students (66.2%) 125 female students (33.8%) their age are 18-30 yearsold. The instrumentof research was PAC questionnaire which was developed byresearchers (ContentValidityis0.98; reliabilityis0.82).The data wereanalyzed by mean, standard deviation, and to test One-way ANOVA
The results revealed the following: 1) There wasnot significantly different for the wholeaspect’s personality. Thehighest score was Adult ego state (A), the second runner up was Child ego state (C) and the third was Parent ego state (P) respectively 2) Male students have higher adult personality than female student at 0.05 level of significant difference 3) All students have higher Critical parent (CP) than Nurturing parent (NP) 4) Malestudentshavehigher Nurturing parent (NP), Critical parent (CP), Adapted child (AC) and Little Professor child (LC) than female students 5) The age of students was not effected to the whole aspect score of each aspect score of students, personality at 0.05 level of significant difference.

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How to Cite
Tuancha-em, K. . (2018). The Study of the Students Personality Studying at The Institute of Physical Education, Central Region Campus: Based on The Transactional Analysis Theory. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 23–38. retrieved from
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