The Effects of Group Reality Therapy on Stress of Amphetamine Addicts

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Porlamate Navinthum
Surin Suthithatip
Pennapha Koolnaphadol


This experimental research aimed to study about the effects of counseling the Group Reality Therapy on Stress of Amphetamine Addicts, The subjects were 20 Amphetamine Addicts who were treated at Wiwatpollamuang Navi 3 School with stressed save from Suanprung stress level testing, quantity 20 addicts. Using matched pair scores to classify sample into 2 groups; experiment group; controll group. Instruments were Suanprung stress level testing and Counseling the Reality Therapy group Program. Collecting data in 3 periods; pre-testing, post-testing, and follow up. The data was analized by Rapeated measures analysis of variance: one between – subjects variable and one within – subjects variable.
The results were found.The experimental and control group got stress level scores after addicts post-test and follow up session significantly difference at statistics level .05. Comparing with in group the addicts in testing group got strain level scores in post-testing session and follow up session lower than pre-testing session significantly at statistics level 0.05

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How to Cite
Navinthum, P. ., Suthithatip, S. ., & Koolnaphadol, P. . (2018). The Effects of Group Reality Therapy on Stress of Amphetamine Addicts. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 182–194. retrieved from
Research Articles


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