Health Status and The Demand for Health Care Center Model for Elderly in Thailand

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Mangkorn Dhanasarnsilp


The purpose of the research was to study the current health status of Thai elderly and the demand for healthcare center model for Thai elderly.The data were collected by literature review. The quantitative research method, collected data from 300 elderly who used healthservices in public and private health care center.The qualitative research used in-depthinterviews. who were the administrators and staffs of the elderly health care center. There search statistics were frequency, percentage, meanand standard deviation, including content analysis of qualitative research and presented informof descriptive analysis.

Results of the study were as follows:
The current health status of elderly in Thailand, the most common chronic disease afflicting the older persons are: diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract disease (GI disease), urinary tract infection (UTI) and osteoarthritis. However, the symptoms of chronic diseases are controllable and the older persons appear to have good self-care. Additionally, they are happy and satisfied with their life. And they play an important role in helping the others in society as well. The demand for healthcare center for elderly in Thailand, it was found that Thai elderly need 9 models of healthcare center as follows: (1) hospital-based healthcare services (2)collaboration between publicand private sectors in healthcare services (3)healthcare services provided by local administrative or ganization (4) physician or health volunteer home visits (5) elderly day care center (6) strong elderly association or foundation or club (7) Fitness center or health center (8) self-careand (9)health promotion for elderly through community participation. All 9 styles are suitable for Thai community. It will support future health services for the elderly in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Dhanasarnsilp, M. . (2018). Health Status and The Demand for Health Care Center Model for Elderly in Thailand. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 207–220. retrieved from
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