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He Jianping


The purpose of this study was to perform lower limb strength and agility training for improving the leg power and agility of badminton players. The experimental samples were 20 athletes of the men's team of the Chinese Qujing Normal University badminton team. It was one group pre-test post-test design, the test results of each sample of the experimental group before and after the 8 week experiment were analyzed and compared. The experimental time was controlled from April to June 2019. The experiment lasted 8 week, 3 lessons per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), and 90 minutes per lesson. The researcher used a paired- sample t-test to compare the standing and long jump (leg power) and 10-meter round-trip (agility) before and after the experiment, compare mean and standard deviation. The statistical significance was set to the .01 level. The results were as follows: The sample t-test before and after the 8 weeks of the standing long jump increased by 7.95 cm, and the t-test was significantly different at the 0.01. The sample t-test before and after the 8 weeks of the 10- meter round-trip became 0.465 seconds faster; moreover, the t-test was significantly different at the 0.01. Therefore, lower limb strength and agility training programs can improve the leg power and agility of badminton players.

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How to Cite
Jianping, H. . (2020). THE EFFECTS OF LOWER LIMB STRENGTH AND AGILITY TRAINING PROGRAM ON THE LEG POWER AND AGILITY OF BADMINTON PLAYERS. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 13(1), 1–8. retrieved from
Research Articles


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