Satisfation in Marketing Mix Towards Decision in Choosing Public Parks in Bangkok for Running

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Sukanya Maneein
Gulapish Pookaiyaudom


The purpose of this research were to compare the demographic characteristics of runners affecting decision in choosing public parks in Bangkok for running by gender, age, occupation and income. And also study the satisfaction in Marketing mix decision in choosing public parks inBangkokfor running.The sample used in the study were 406 runners in the parkarea. This research adopted questionnaires asa main method for datacollection with IOC of 0.81 and coefficient alpha equal 0.88. Data analysis was processed by statistical programmed software using a variety of patterns such as the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Multiple Regression was applied in data analysis to find the different levels of decisions.
The results revealed that the different ages gap of runners affecting the decisions of choosing public parks for running with the statistical significance at 0.05. The overall satisfactions of samples towards marketing mix of public parks were in high level (3.63). And the overall opinions regarding to the decision making to choosing public parks for running were also high (4.01). The analysis of study processed by Multiple regression that the marketing mix of product, place, promotion, physical environment and process has affecting on decision in choosing public parks in Bangkok for running with the statistical significant at 0.05

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How to Cite
Maneein, S. ., & Pookaiyaudom, G. . (2018). Satisfation in Marketing Mix Towards Decision in Choosing Public Parks in Bangkok for Running. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(2), 65–76. retrieved from
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