Development and Evaluation of Dancesport Digital Media for Healthy
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The research’s objective is to assess opinions on the use of digital media in dancesport for health and to study the development of digital media in dancesport by comparing the levels of knowledge, perception, and skills.The Sampling for the study were 30 students in the Faculty of Sports Science and Health, Institute of Physical Education Sukhothai Campus. Research tools consist of digital media on dancesport for health, a questionnaire, a knowledge test, anattitudee valuation form, and a dancesport skill evaluation form. Data were analyzed by means, standard deviation, and paired sample t-test.
The results were as follows.
1. The results revealed that the digital media on dancesport for health consists of two parts. Firstly, a digital video was produced with Sony Vegas Pro software, and uploaded to the internet on YouTube. Secondly, an e-book was made using Flip PDF Professional software, and published on WordPress. The assessment of opinions on the use of digital media on dancesport found that the design, layout, and content were highly appropriate.
2. The comparison of knowledge, attitude, and dancing skills, before and after the use digital mediaon dancesport for health were different witha significance levelof .05. In conclusion, the results showed that digital media is appropriate for dancesport for health, and 30 minutes of using digital media on dancesport for health four times a week for six weeks is able to develop students’ knowledge, perception, and dancesport skills.
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