The Relationship between Stragegic Leadership of Administrators and School Effectiveness in Chachoengsao Province under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6

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Noppawan Booncharoensuk
paradee Anannawee
Sataporn Pruettikul


The purposes of this research were to study relationship between strategic leadership of administrators and school effectiveness in Chachoengsao province under the secondary educational service area office 6 and to study strategic leadership of administrators affecting school effectiveness and create a predictive equation school effectiveness under the secondary educational service area office 6. The sampling uesd in the study consisted of 291 teachers in schools under the secondary educational service area office 6.The instruments uesd for the data collecting was a checklist questionnaires fiveleveled rating scale.Thestatistics werearithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient , multiple regression analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) The strategic leadership of school administrators in Chachoengsao province under the secondary educational service area office 6 were rated at high level. 2) The school effectiveness in Chachoengsao province under the secondary educational service area office 6 were rated at high level. 3)The relationship between strategic leadership of administrators and school effectiveness in Chachoengsao province under these condary educational service area office 6 in overall were at high level and significant difference at the .01 level 4) The strategic leadership of administrators in overall and specifically affecting effectiveness under the secondary educational service area office 6 were found significantly at .01 level and explanation the variance of school effectiveness with 67.60 by gathering multiple inputs to formulate (X2), creating a vision (X5), and revolutionary thinking (X4) affecting school effectiveness were coefficient and significantly at .01 level and the part of another were coefficient and no significant. 5) The strategic leadership of administrators , gathering multiple inputs to formulate (X2), creating a vision (X5), and revolutionary thinking (X4) were the best predictors of the school effectiveness in Chachoengsao province under the secondary educational service area office 6 with 67.40 percent (R2 = .674) and found significantly at the .01 level that could be written in the form of follows equation is :
Ŷ = .513 + .474(X2) + .240(X5) + .160(X4)
Or in standard score below:
Ž = .536(Z2) + .261(Z5) + .133(Z4)

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How to Cite
Booncharoensuk, N. ., Anannawee, paradee, & Pruettikul, S. . (2018). The Relationship between Stragegic Leadership of Administrators and School Effectiveness in Chachoengsao Province under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(2), 273–292. retrieved from
Research Articles


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