The Study of Health Promoting Behavior of Monks in Pattani Province

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Sonthana Sifa


This research aimed to 1) study the health promoting behaviors of Thai Monks in Pattani  2) examine the perception of the health promoting behaviors on consuming and exercising of Thai Monks in Pattani  3) study the problems and obstacles of  the health promoting behaviors on consuming and exercising of Thai Monks in Pattani 4)study the policy of  the health promoting behaviors on consuming and exercising of Thai Monks in Pattani. This research was conducted by using the Mixed Research Method. The random samples in this study included 196 monks and 6 the Ecclesiastical District monks in Pattani province. The data were analyzed by frequency, meansand percentages. 

            The results reviewed that the mean score of overall behavior on consuming was at slightly level (mean = 1.54, SD = .67).The mean score of the overall exercising behavior was at slightly level as well (mean = .79, SD = .08). Regarding the perception of problem on consuming behavior among monks in Pattani, it was found that most of the monks perceived problem on consuming the high level. Though most of them perceived the problem, they did not carry out as they needed to consume only foods providing by folks which were mostly in fried food.As for the perception of obstacle on consuming behavior, it was found that most of the monks perceived the obstacle on consuming at moderate level.Since having in each meal they were unable to choose what they consumed; however, they attempted to reduce consuming food full of fats. Concerning the problem on exercising among the monks, the result showed that most of the monks perceived benefit on exercising at high level. Even though their perception of this benefit was high, they still did not carry out in practice due to the fact that they were in limitation. They could not exercise like the general people. It was also found that most of the monks perceived obstacle on exercising behavior at moderate level. They realized that monks could exercise through walking for food offering. However, they were unable to do so because of violent situations in the three border provinces of southern Thailand. Therefore, the way to exercise for them was just moving the body in their routine activities only.In conclusion, the policy shouldfocus on increasing their awareness on health promoting behaviors. Health associate should provide them some knowledge about health care and promote them to realize how to take care of their health.

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How to Cite
Sifa, S. (2018). The Study of Health Promoting Behavior of Monks in Pattani Province. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(1), 117–126. retrieved from
Research Articles


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