Health Behavior in Prevention of Drug Addiction of the students in the Institute or Physical Education Southern Campus

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Sribungaon Suwanpanich
Siri Suwanpanich


The purposes of the study were to study health behaviors in prevention of drug addiction of students of the Institute of Physical Education Southern Campus, to compare the health behavior in prevention of drug addiction of the students of the Institute of Physical Education Southern Campus in the parameters of sex, levels of study, number of siblings, family, parents' education and sources and to study the relationship of health behavior in prevention of drug addiction in terms of knowledge, attitudes and practices of the students of the Institute of Physical Education Southern Campus.

Research results : 1)The students of the Institute of Physical Education Southern Campus had shown the health behavior in prevention of drug addiction at the moderate level. It was considered in each aspect that these students had knowledge and practices about health behaviors in prevention of drug addiction at the average level, and the attitudes of the behavior was at the good level. There was no significant differences, between male and female students about health behaviors in the aspect of knowledge in prevention of drug addiction, but attitudes and practices were different at .05 level of statistical significance. There was no significant differences about health behavior in the aspects of knowledge, attitudes and practices in prevention of drug addiction in students studying in different levels, different amount of siblings and different family condition. There was significant differences in students whose parents had different educational levels about health behavior in the aspect of knowledge in prevention of drug addiction at .05 level of statistical significance, but attitudes and practices were not different. There was no significant difference in students who got information from different resources about health behavior in the aspects of knowledge and attitudes in prevention of drug addiction, but practices was different at.05 level of statistical significance. There was significance in positive relationship between knowledge and attitudes, knowledge and practices, and attitudes and practices about health behavior in prevention of drug addiction in the students of the Institute of Physical Education Southern Campus at .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Suwanpanich, S., & Suwanpanich, S. (2010). Health Behavior in Prevention of Drug Addiction of the students in the Institute or Physical Education Southern Campus. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 2(2), 67–77. Retrieved from
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