Institute of Physical Education Students' Attitude towards Sex Information

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Suchin Buangam


Purpose of this research was to compare the attitude of strdents towards sex information by the variable of sex, faculties, educational qualification, parents' careerand hometown. The 537 students, from 17 Institute of Physical Education campus were the group of examples, were devided into 270 males and 267 females. The group of examples were stratified Random Sampling from the proportion of population. The researcher made a questionnaire for data collecting, he used SPSS : Statistics Packages for the Social Science was used in order to analyze. Statistics using were percentage, means, standard deviation, t-test, and One-way Analysis of variance.

The results of this study were ;

1. Students' attitude towards sex information were in the medium level. gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.36)

2. The attitude towards sex information of males and females were in thedifference of .05 statistics significance.

3. The attitude towards sex information of students from different faculty were no-difference.

4. The attitude towards sex information of students from different campus were no-difference.

5. The attitude towards sex information of students with different educational qualification were no-difference. 

6. The attitude towards sex information of students who had fathers with different career were at the significant difference of .05

7. The attitude towards sex information of students who had mothers with different career were at the significant difference of .05

8. The attitude towards sex information of students from different hometown were at the significant difference of .05

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How to Cite
Buangam, S. (2011). Institute of Physical Education Students’ Attitude towards Sex Information. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(1), 85–98. Retrieved from
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