Muay Thai Elites' Stratagem Styles

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Worayuth Thiptengtae


The purpose of this research was to study Muay Thai Elites' Stratagem Styles. Samples, purposive selection sampling, composed of the Royal Trophy Awarded boxers and the boxers honored by Ratchadamnoen Stadium Commission in 1984, and the boxers, sampling by snowball technique, honored by Sports Reporter Association and Sports Authority of Thailand. Research instruments were in-depth interview form and tables for analyzing transcribed VDO and cassette tape data. The data were then analyzed by frequency distributing and in terms of percentages. It was found that:

Muay Thai elites' stratagem styles were making use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes at opponent to put him down and couldn't fight back anymore. Those Muay Thai stratagem styles were instructed by Kru Muay and Muay Thai camp owners. Some Muay Thai elites received Muay Thai stratagem styles from their experiences, some from changing of physical body and gained weight, some had more skills in using stratagem styles. Some didn't want to be disdained from the others. Some required applauding from the foreigners. Some had motives from "Death Punch” word of the ancients and desired having Muay Thai weapons like "Fah Pha" or "Thunderbolt” phenomenon. Training methods of Muay Thai stratagem styles were training with or without Muay Thai equipments and by applying Sports Science discipline. Performance or using of Muay Thai stratagem styles emphasized intelligence and appropriate opportunities by considering these factors: distance, own and opponents' physical figures. When using, making use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes first, or the opponents unguarded, then, used Muay Thai stratagem styles with quickly, accurately, continuously and strongly. In passing of Muay Thai stratagem styles knowledge to students, Kru Muay imparted to the students who needed to be professional Muay Thai boxers and/or the

ones who practiced in the same camp. However, some kru Muay didn't want to impart his knowledge to anyone until those were good Muay Thai basic skills. The teaching methods began with Muay Thai basic skills and Muay Thai stratagem styles after they accomplished with skill.

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How to Cite
Thiptengtae, W. (2011). Muay Thai Elites’ Stratagem Styles. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(2), 129–148. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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