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Thet Hnin Moe
Pongpanot Wongveerakul
Vitoon Saengsirisuwan
Nongnapas Charoenpanich
Ioannis Papadimitriou


ACTN3 gene has been labeled as the ‘gene of speed’ due to the increased frequency of the R allele in various cohorts of elite sprint athletes compared to the general population. The R allele of the gene encodes the sarcomeric protein α-actinin-3 almost exclusively restricted to fast, glycolytic, type 2X fibers which are responsible for producing ‘explosive’, powerful contractions. Elite athletes who expressed gif.latex?\alpha-actinin-3 protein (ACTN3 RR genotype) have demonstrated faster sprint times compared to those who do not express it (ACTN3 XX genotype). The present study aimed to provide an extensive biomechanical analysis to investigate the influence of ACTN3 gene on, Squat Jump (SJ), Counter Movement Jump (CMJ), Drop Jump (DJ), and 5 m sprints by comparing maximal performance, velocity and acceleration, in jumps and sprints between Thai individuals with different ACTN3 genotypes. Participants had a mean age of 24.2 years ± 3.86 years, a mean BMI of 23.53 ± 2.87 kg/m2 and a mean systolic blood pressure of 121 ± 12.20 mmHg. The biomechanical data were obtained using a QTM motion analysis system and the genetic analysis was conducted with MiniAmp™ Cycler. Our results showed no statistically significant differences between ACTN3 genotypes. DJ height performance for the participants with ACTN3 RR genotype was 0.38 ± 0.08 m compared to 0.37±0.06 m for their ACTN3 XX counterparts. Our preliminary findings indicated a considerable variability in velocity and acceleration between participants. More participants are required to allow us to investigate the potential underlying ACTN3 gene influence responsible for this variability.

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How to Cite
Moe, T. H. ., Wongveerakul, P. ., Saengsirisuwan, V. ., Charoenpanich, N. ., & Papadimitriou, I. . (2021). INVESTIGATING THE INFLUENCE OF ACTN3 R577X POLYMORPHISM ON SPEED - POWER RELATED PARAMETERS USING MOTION CAPTURE TECHNOLOGY. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 13(3), 1–12. retrieved from
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