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Kullaphut Purpiriyaphun
Sombat Karnjanakit


The purposes of this research were to study the needs of Bangkok Metropolis' park users in five aspects that involved recreation respectively: recreation activities, recreation leader, recreation facilities, security and maintenance, and using Delphi technique to inquire specialists' opinions toward developing a future model for recreation management in Bangkok Metropolis Administration public park to be consistent with the park users' needs. The subjects used in this study were five hundred park users and seventeen recreation and public park specialists. The instruments used to collect the data were a questionnaire to obtain parks users' needs and the Delphi technique to obtain specialists' opinions. Statistics applied in term of percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, Median, and Interquartile Range by using Statistical Program. The results were as follows:

  1. The park users' needs for the security and the maintenance aspects were of the highest concern, though the recreation activities, the recreation leader, and the recreation facilities aspects were also of high priority

  2. Comparing between user of middle size and small size parks, the needs of the five aspects involved with recreation dynamics, there was no significant difference at .05 level except the recreation facilities and the maintenance aspects.

  3. Using Delphi technique to inquire specialists' opinions, the model for recreation management in Bangkok metropolis administration public park were to provide sports and exercise activities, leaders with knowledge, park's name signs at the entrances, lighting for use at night, and a cleaning of the park regularly.

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How to Cite
Purpiriyaphun, K., & Karnjanakit, S. . (2012). PROPOSED MODEL FOR RECREATION MANAGEMENT IN BANGKOK METROPOLIS ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC PARK. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 4(1), 111–130. Retrieved from
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