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Atcharaporn Kaewkiettiyot
Suchart Taweepornpathomkul


The research aimed to study the opinion of tourists and local people toward the Catholic religious tourist attractions in order to support the development of religious tourist attractions of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi. Data were collected from 400 copies of questionnaires received from tourists who visited the Diocese of Ratchaburi and the local people. Twenty four people were also interviewed including priests, government agencies and private stakeholders on tourism as well as an exchange of ideas by 11 experts to suggest ways to find out the best conclusion in developing the religious tourist attractions in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi.

The results were shown that the development of religious tourist attractions in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi should be managed in seven areas as follow:

  1. The area of creating understanding and educating tourists while visiting the churches ; set up the common tourism policies for Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi.

  2. The area of Tourism management, Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi should set up meetings among the people living nearby the catholic community on a regular basis.

  3. The area of Tourist Attraction, each church should create and maintain the beauty and tranquility of the surrounding areas by using pleasant landscape.

  4. The area of cultural activities, Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi should set up and promote annual events on Catholic's events.

  5. The area of Public Facilities, each church should provide adequate facilities and services to the tourist by considering the capacities.

  6. The area of Promotion and Public Relation, each Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi each church should be dominated its uniqueness, historical story and specialties through various media such as; printing material, video clips, etc.

  7. The area of Transportation, Roman Catholic Diocese of Ratchaburi should provide visible and noticeable promotional signs of Catholic Church both in tourist attractions and along the highways.

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How to Cite
Kaewkiettiyot, A., & Taweepornpathomkul, S. (2013). UIDELINES FOR TOURISM DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT IN CHRISTIANITY, ROMAN CATHOLIC, DIOCESE OF RATCHABURI. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(2), 127–144. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/254958
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